Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mega Blog Blah-Blah


We've had a lot going on since my last post, but don't worry - I am sparing you most of the boring details. I might start posting every few days or, as necessary, instead of trying to consolidate everything into one mega-blog. I end up leaving some good stuff out, and you poor souls end up reading basically a very long email. Or, maybe you don't end up reading it at all...I wouldn't blame you. I need an editor.

We went to our Infamous Stringdusters concert this week. They are badass. They're all incredibly talented, and they promised to come back to Flagstaff - I hope it's soon! For their encore, they came back onstage and said they would play some more, but they weren't going to play onstage - but rather down on the floor with us. So, no microphones or amps, they just came down in the middle of the floor and we all huddled around them. Awesome! We were right behind the bass player, and unfortunately for me he just happened to be the tallest guy with the tallest instrument. Oh well, it was still a very cool thing for them to do and I wish more bands would do it. It was a first for both Greg and I!
I had to adjust the exposure on the group pic, but that's everyone at the show huddled up for the encore. I love the couple on the right dancing with their baby! Ahh. Bluegrass. 
See the last two pictures? This is what happens when I ask Keith to pose for a picture with me. It would appear that he doesn't like me, but see, he does. He went searching for me earlier in the week when I'd gone hiking and hadn't returned in 40 minutes or so. He actually found a knife in the woods, so he spent some time then looking for my injured or possibly murdered body. Evidently I was fine, but that's not my point. My point is, Keith loves me despite his surliness :)

My little beetle is coming along! We had to order a few parts for the engine, which, for some reason got shipped to TEXAS. So we're still waiting for that to get straightened out, but we did find some lowback seats and a roof rack!

I also decided on a name: Gypsy's Magical Peanut Garden. There were a number of factors that went into the name, too many to list here. I'm actually just trying to make this car so effeminate that Greg won't want to drive it.
Step one: select embarrassing name. 
Step two: place butterfly magnet on dash.

In Interesting Things at Work News, the Distinguished Camper of the Week Award goes to this guy:
Distinguished Camper of the Week FAQs:
1. Was there really an alligator in there?
2. Where did the driver of the truck sleep?
In the top portion of the trailer.
3. Then, where was the alligator?
In the bottom portion of the trailer.

Edwina Updates!
 I attempted to make a redneck chandelier out of a string of lights and plastic cups. Despite the fact that I am very proud of it, I give it a C+.
The VW magnets from Lori and Maggie are finally put into action, holding little notes to Greg and my eyeglasses. 
I just liked this picture. Coffee, lappy, iPod, and my Blackberry (that is pleasantly useless these days).
 I also just liked this picture. I really love my green stove.

On Saturday, we hit up some garage sales and got some great stuff, mostly free! 
After the Stringdusters concert, I was missing my violin days and wishing I at least still owned one.
Um, hello. It was a sign...and it was really cheap at a church fundraiser. Score! (Why do I get the feeling that my dad is rolling his eyes right now??? ;))
Hee hee hee...Greg and a bunch of ladies at the free-for-all-hour at the last garage sale...lying in wait for the word "go". This...was the Thunderdome of garage sale grappling. He did get some great stuff though - like a working television for the shop. Meanwhile, I selflessly rescued a quilted duck pillow.

I didn't buy this book on successful glamour photography. No, it's not softcore porn. It's a photography book. My guess is this was in someone's "do it yourself" section.

We finally got the boats out on the lake - went to Lake Mary, which is about 5 miles outside Flag. Temps were mid 80s with a light breeze, and we found an island that we hope to camp on soon. 
Simply awesome day.

And finally, some closeups of Greg and I!!!! 
We're having an awesome time, but we really miss everyone. 
Not that anyone cares besides me, but thank goodness my bangs are finally growing out. I will never let anyone cut my bangs again. I will close with this picture below, taken the day before we left Tulsa. This was when the bangs were in their "Pauly D from Jersey Shore" phase. I have no explanation for the headband, I bought it as part of a "3 for $5" deal at some gas station in between here and LA.

Come visit us! It's fun here and we miss you!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kim,what a post! It's so fun to see Flagstaff from another perspective. Bob and I were also in attendance at the Infamous Stringdusters and really enjoyed ourselves, although we had to leave after the first set because it was a "school night". Orpheum get some really great bluegrass. We saw Chatham County Line a few months ago and had a great time. Hope to see you and Greg at the June 25 Tweed.
